sleep Delay execution &reftitle.description; intsleep intseconds Delays the program execution for the given number of seconds. &reftitle.parameters; seconds Halt time in seconds. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns zero on success, or &false; on error. If the call was interrupted by a signal, sleep returns a non-zero value. On Windows, this value will always be 192 (the value of the WAIT_IO_COMPLETION constant within the Windows API). On other platforms, the return value will be the number of seconds left to sleep. &reftitle.errors; If the specified number of seconds is negative, this function will generate a E_WARNING. &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 5.3.4 Before PHP 5.3.4, on Windows, sleep always returns &null; when sleep has occurred, regardless of whether the sleep was interrupted or not. &reftitle.examples; <function>sleep</function> example ]]> This example will output (after 10 seconds) &reftitle.seealso; usleep time_nanosleep time_sleep_until set_time_limit