DOMDocument::loadXML Load XML from a string &reftitle.description; public mixedDOMDocument::loadXML stringsource intoptions0 Loads an XML document from a string. &reftitle.parameters; source The string containing the XML. options Bitwise OR of the libxml option constants. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; If called statically, returns a DOMDocument&return.falseforfailure;. &reftitle.errors; If an empty string is passed as the source, a warning will be generated. This warning is not generated by libxml and cannot be handled using libxml's error handling functions. &dom.allowstatic; &reftitle.examples; Creating a Document loadXML(''); echo $doc->saveXML(); ?> ]]> Static invocation of <literal>loadXML</literal> '); echo $doc->saveXML(); ?> ]]> &reftitle.seealso; DOMDocument::load DOMDocument::save DOMDocument::saveXML