curl_share_setopt Set an option for a cURL share handle. &reftitle.description; boolcurl_share_setopt resourcesh intoption stringvalue Sets an option on the given cURL share handle. &reftitle.parameters; sh A cURL share handle returned by curl_share_init. option Option Description CURLSHOPT_SHARE Specifies a type of data that should be shared. CURLSHOPT_UNSHARE Specifies a type of data that will be no longer shared. value Value Description CURL_LOCK_DATA_COOKIE Shares cookie data. CURL_LOCK_DATA_DNS Shares DNS cache. Note that when you use cURL multi handles, all handles added to the same multi handle will share DNS cache by default. CURL_LOCK_DATA_SSL_SESSION Shares SSL session IDs, reducing the time spent on the SSL handshake when reconnecting to the same server. Note that SSL session IDs are reused within the same handle by default. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.examples; <function>curl_share_setopt</function> example This example will create a cURL share handle, add two cURL handles to it, and then run them with cookie data sharing. ]]>