<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!-- $Revision: 1.5 $ --> <refentry id="function.sqlite-fetch-array"> <refnamediv> <refname>sqlite_fetch_array</refname> <refpurpose>Fetches the next row from a result set as an array.</refpurpose> </refnamediv> <refsect1> <title>Description</title> <methodsynopsis> <type>array</type><methodname>sqlite_fetch_array</methodname> <methodparam><type>resource</type><parameter>result</parameter></methodparam> <methodparam choice="opt"><type>int</type><parameter>result_type</parameter></methodparam> <methodparam choice="opt"><type>bool</type><parameter>decode_binary</parameter></methodparam> </methodsynopsis> <para> Fetches the next row from the given <parameter>result</parameter> handle. If there are no more rows, returns &false;, otherwise returns an associative array representing the row data. </para> <para> <parameter>result_type</parameter> can be used to specify how you want the results to be returned. The default value is <literal>SQLITE_BOTH</literal> which returns columns indexed by their ordinal column number and by column name. <literal>SQLITE_ASSOC</literal> causes the array to be indexed only by column names, and <literal>SQLITE_NUM</literal> to be indexed only by ordinal column numbers. </para> <para> The column names returned by <literal>SQLITE_ASSOC</literal> and <literal>SQLITE_BOTH</literal> will be case-folded according to the value of the <link linkend="ini.sqlite.assoc-case">sqlite.assoc_case</link> configuration option. </para> <para> When <parameter>decode_binary</parameter> is set to &true; (the default), PHP will decode the binary encoding it applied to the data if it was encoded using the <function>sqlite_escape_string</function>. You will usually always leave this value at its default, unless you are interoperating with databases created by other sqlite capable applications. </para> <para> See also <function>sqlite_array_query</function> and <function>sqlite_fetch_string</function>. </para> </refsect1> </refentry> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file Local variables: mode: sgml sgml-omittag:t sgml-shorttag:t sgml-minimize-attributes:nil sgml-always-quote-attributes:t sgml-indent-step:1 sgml-indent-data:t sgml-parent-document:nil sgml-default-dtd-file:"../../manual.ced" sgml-exposed-tags:nil sgml-local-catalogs:nil sgml-local-ecat-files:nil End: vim600: syn=xml fen fdm=syntax fdl=2 si vim: et tw=78 syn=sgml vi: ts=1 sw=1 -->