hw_api::content Returns content of an object &reftitle.description; HW_API_Contenthw_api::content arrayparameter This function returns the content of a document as an object of type hw_api_content. &reftitle.parameters; parameter The parameter array contains the required elements 'objectidentifier' and the optional element 'mode'. The mode can be one of the constants HW_API_CONTENT_ALLLINKS, HW_API_CONTENT_REACHABLELINKS or HW_API_CONTENT_PLAIN. HW_API_CONTENT_ALLLINKS means to insert all anchors even if the destination is not reachable. HW_API_CONTENT_REACHABLELINKS tells this method to insert only reachable links and HW_API_CONTENT_PLAIN will lead to document without any links. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns an instance of hw_api_content.