ReflectionEnum::getCase Returns a specific case of an Enum &reftitle.description; public ReflectionEnumUnitCaseReflectionEnum::getCase stringname Returns the reflection object for a specific Enum case by name. If the requested case is not defined, a ReflectionException is thrown. &reftitle.parameters; name The name of the case to retrieve. &reftitle.returnvalues; An instance of ReflectionEnumUnitCase or ReflectionEnumBackedCase, as appropriate. &reftitle.examples; <methodname>ReflectionEnum::getCase</methodname> example getCase('Clubs'); var_dump($rCase->getValue()); ?> ]]> &example.outputs; &reftitle.seealso; Enumerations ReflectionEnum::getCases ReflectionEnum::hasCase ReflectionEnum::isBacked