file_put_contents Write a string to a file &reftitle.description; intfile_put_contents stringfilename mixeddata intflags resourcecontext Identical to calling fopen, fwrite, and fclose successively. You can also specify the data parameter as an array (not multi-dimension arrays). This is equivalent to file_put_contents($filename, implode('', $array)). As of PHP 5.1.0, you may also pass a stream resource to the data parameter. In result, the remaining buffer of that stream will be copied to the specified file. This is similar with using stream_copy_to_stream. &reftitle.parameters; filename The file name where to write the data data The data to write. Can be either a string, an array or a stream resource (explained above). flags flags can take FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH, FILE_APPEND and/or LOCK_EX (acquire an exclusive lock), however the FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH option should be used with caution. context A context resource &reftitle.returnvalues; The function returns the amount of bytes that were written to the file. &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 5.1.0 Added support for LOCK_EX and the ability to pass a stream resource to the data parameter &reftitle.notes; ¬e.bin-safe; ¬e.context-support; &tip.fopen-wrapper; &reftitle.seealso; fopen fwrite file_get_contents