&reftitle.properties; indexes - the array of indexes used and their properties. Certain list of properties depends on Swish-e version.
&reftitle.methods; - constructs new Swish object. Throws SwishException on error. - prepares and returns SwishSearch object. Throws SwishException on error. - executes the query and returns SwishResults object. Throws SwishException on error. - returns an array of meta entries for the given index file. - returns an array of properties for the given index file.
&reftitle.methods; - sets the structure flag in the search object. This flag is used to limit search to certain parts of HTML documents. - sets the phrase delimiter character. The default delimiter is double-quotes. - sets the sort order of the results. - sets the limits for the search. Throws SwishException on error. - resets the limits. - executes the query and returns SwishResults object. Throws SwishException on error.
&reftitle.properties; hits - the number of results in this SwishResults object. indexes - the array of indexes used in the search.
&reftitle.methods; - returns next SwishResult object or &false; if no more results are available. - sets the current seek position in the SwishResults object. Throws SwishException on error. - returns an array of words in the query with stopwords removed. - returns an array of removed stopwords.
&reftitle.properties; Properties list depends on Swish-e version, see examples.
&reftitle.methods; - returns an array of meta entries for the index used in this result. - stems the word and returns result as an array of strings. Throws SwishException on error.
<classname>SwishException</classname> SwishException extends the built in Exception class and possesses the same set of properties and methods. See for more details.