The ReflectionMethod class ReflectionMethod
&reftitle.intro; The ReflectionMethod class reports information about a method.
&reftitle.classsynopsis; ReflectionMethod ReflectionMethod extends ReflectionFunctionAbstract Reflector &Constants; const integer ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC 1 const integer ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC 256 const integer ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED 512 const integer ReflectionMethod::IS_PRIVATE 1024 const integer ReflectionMethod::IS_ABSTRACT 2 const integer ReflectionMethod::IS_FINAL 4 &Properties; public name public class &Methods; &InheritedMethods;
&; name Method name class Class name
ReflectionMethod Modifiers ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC Indicates that the method is static. ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC Indicates that the method is public. ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED Indicates that the method is protected. ReflectionMethod::IS_PRIVATE Indicates that the method is private. ReflectionMethod::IS_ABSTRACT Indicates that the method is abstract. ReflectionMethod::IS_FINAL Indicates that the method is final.