maxdb_stmt_bind_result maxdb_stmt::bind_result Binds variables to a prepared statement for result storage &reftitle.description; &style.procedural; boolmaxdb_stmt_bind_result resourcestmt mixedvar1 mixed... &style.oop; boolmaxdb_stmt::bind_result mixedvar1 mixed... maxdb_stmt_bind_result is used to associate (bind) columns in the result set to variables. When maxdb_stmt_fetch is called to fetch data, the MaxDB client/server protocol places the data for the bound columns into the specified variables var1, .... Note that all columns must be bound prior to calling maxdb_stmt_fetch. Depending on column types bound variables can silently change to the corresponding PHP type. A column can be bound or rebound at any time, even after a result set has been partially retrieved. The new binding takes effect the next time maxdb_stmt_fetch is called. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.examples; &style.oop; prepare("SELECT zip, name FROM ORDER BY name")) { $stmt->execute(); /* bind variables to prepared statement */ $stmt->bind_result($col1, $col2); /* fetch values */ while ($stmt->fetch()) { printf("%s %s\n", $col1, $col2); } /* close statement */ $stmt->close(); } /* close connection */ $maxdb->close(); ?> ]]> &style.procedural; ]]> &example.outputs.similar; &reftitle.seealso; maxdb_stmt_bind_param maxdb_stmt_execute maxdb_stmt_fetch maxdb_prepare maxdb_stmt_prepare maxdb_stmt_init maxdb_stmt_errno maxdb_stmt_error