imap_mail_compose Create a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections &reftitle.description; stringimap_mail_compose arrayenvelope arraybody Create a MIME message based on the given envelope and body sections. &reftitle.parameters; envelope An associative array of headers fields. Valid keys are: "remail", "return_path", "date", "from", "reply_to", "in_reply_to", "subject", "to", "cc", "bcc", "message_id" and "custom_headers" (which contains associative array of other headers). body An indexed array of bodies A body is an associative array which can consist of the following keys: "type", "encoding", "charset", "type.parameters", "subtype", "id", "description", "disposition.type", "disposition", "", "lines", "bytes" and "md5". &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns the MIME message. &reftitle.examples; <function>imap_mail_compose</function> example ]]>