PHP/YAZ keeps track of connections with targets
(Z-Associations). A resource represents a connection to a
The script below demonstrates the parallel searching feature of
the API. When invoked with no arguments it prints a query form; else
(arguments are supplied) it searches the targets as given in array
Parallel searching using Yaz
GILS test
local test
Library of Congress
RPN Query:
} else {
echo 'You searched for ' . htmlspecialchars($query) . ' ';
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_hosts; $i++) {
$id[] = yaz_connect($host[$i]);
yaz_syntax($id[$i], "usmarc");
yaz_range($id[$i], 1, 10);
yaz_search($id[$i], "rpn", $query);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_hosts; $i++) {
echo '' . $host[$i] . ':';
$error = yaz_error($id[$i]);
if (!empty($error)) {
echo "Error: $error";
} else {
$hits = yaz_hits($id[$i]);
echo "Result Count $hits";
echo '
for ($p = 1; $p <= 10; $p++) {
$rec = yaz_record($id[$i], $p, "string");
if (empty($rec)) continue;
echo "