ora_bind Binds a PHP variable to an Oracle parameter &reftitle.description; boolora_bind resourcecursor stringphpvar stringsqlparam intlength inttype Binds the named PHP variable with a SQL parameter. ora_bind must be called after ora_parse and before ora_exec. Input values can be given by assignment to the bound PHP variables, after calling ora_exec the bound PHP variables contain the output values if available. &reftitle.parameters; cursor An Oracle cursor, opened with ora_open. phpvar The PHP variable to be bound. sqlparam The SQL parameter. Must be in the form :name. length type Defines the type of the parameter. It defaults to ORA_BIND_INOUT. Possible values are listed below: Constant Value ORA_BIND_INOUT 0 ORA_BIND_IN 1 ORA_BIND_OUT 2 &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; Details about the error can be retrieved using the ora_error and ora_errorcode functions. &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 3.0.1 The constants for the type were added. In previous versions, you should use the numerical values. &reftitle.examples; <function>ora_bind</function> example Out: $output
In: $input"; ?> ]]>