IBM Functions (PDO_IBM) IBM (PDO)
&reftitle.intro; PDO_IBM is a driver that implements the PHP Data Objects (PDO) interface to enable access from PHP to IBM databases.
PDO_IBM DSN Connecting to IBM databases &reftitle.description; The PDO_IBM Data Source Name (DSN) is based on the IBM CLI DSN. The major components of the PDO_IBM DSN are: DSN prefix The DSN prefix is ibm:. DSN The DSN can be any of the following: a) Data source setup using db2cli.ini or odbc.ini b) Catalogued database name i.e. database alias in the DB2 client catalog c) Complete connection string in the following format: DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password; where the parameters represent the following values: database The name of the database. hostname The hostname or IP address of the database server. port The TCP/IP port on which the database is listening for requests. username The username with which you are connecting to the database. password The password with which you are connecting to the database. &reftitle.examples; PDO_IBM DSN example using <filename>db2cli.ini</filename> The following example shows a PDO_IBM DSN for connecting to an DB2 database cataloged as DB2_9 in db2cli.ini: PDO_IBM DSN example using a connection string The following example shows a PDO_IBM DSN for connecting to an DB2 database named testdb using the DB2 CLI connection string syntax.