POSIX functions POSIX Needs to be written ASAP. posix_kill Send a signal to a process Description bool posix_kill int pid int sig Send the signal sig to the process with the process identifier pid. Returns FALSE, if unable to send the signal, TRUE otherwise. See also the kill(2) manual page of your POSIX system, which contains additional information about negative process identifiers, the special pid 0, the special pid -1, and the signal number 0. posix_getpid Return the current process identifier Description int posix_getpid void Return the process identifier of the current process. posix_getppid Return the parent process identifier Description int posix_getppid void Return the process identifier of parent process of the current process. posix_getuid Return the real user ID of the current process Description int posix_getuid void Return the numeric real user ID of the current process. See also posix_getpwuid for information on how to convert this into a useable username. posix_geteuid Return the effective user ID of the current process Description int posix_geteuid void Return the numeric effective user ID of the current process. See also posix_getpwuid for information on how to convert this into a useable username. posix_getgid Return the real group ID of the current process Description int posix_getgid void Return the numeric real group ID of the current process. See also posix_getgrgid for information on how to convert this into a useable group name. posix_getegid Return the effective group ID of the current process Description int posix_getegid void Return the numeric effective group ID of the current process. See also posix_getgrgid for information on how to convert this into a useable group name. posix_setuid Set the effective UID of the current process Description bool posix_setuid int uid Set the real user ID of the current process. This is a privileged function and you need appropriate privileges (usually root) on your system to be able to perform this function. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. See also posix_setgid. posix_setgid Set the effective GID of the current process Description bool posix_setgid int gid Set the real group ID of the current process. This is a privileged function and you need appropriate privileges (usually root) on your system to be able to perform this function. The appropriate order of function calls is posix_setgid first, posix_setuid last. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. posix_getgroups Return the group set of the current process Description array posix_getgroups void Returns an array of integers containing the numeric group ids of the group set of the current process. See also posix_getgrgid for information on how to convert this into useable group names. posix_getlogin Return login name Description string posix_getlogin void Returns the login name of the user owning the current process. See posix_getpwnam for information how to get more information about this user. posix_getpgrp Return the current process group identifier Description int posix_getpgrp void Return the process group identifier of the current process. See POSIX.1 and the getpgrp(2) manual page on your POSIX system for more information on process groups. posix_setsid Make the current process a session leader Description int posix_setsid void Make the current process a session leader. See POSIX.1 and the setsid(2) manual page on your POSIX system for more informations on process groups and job control. Returns the session id. posix_setpgid set process group id for job control Description int posix_setpgid int pid int pgid Let the process pid join the process group pgid. See POSIX.1 and the setsid(2) manual page on your POSIX system for more informations on process groups and job control. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. posix_getpgid Get process group id for job control Description int posix_getpgid int pid Returns the process group identifier of the process pid. This is not a POSIX function, but is common on BSD and System V systems. If your system does not support this function at system level, this PHP function will always return FALSE. posix_setsid Get the current sid of the process Description int posix_getsid int pid Return the sid of the process pid. If pid is 0, the sid of the current process is returned. This is not a POSIX function, but is common on System V systems. If your system does not support this function at system level, this PHP function will always return FALSE. posix_uname Get system name Description array posix_uname void Returns a hash of strings with information about the system. The indices of the hash are sysname - operating system name (e.g. Linux) nodename - system name (e.g. valiant) release - operating system release (e.g. 2.2.10) version - operating system version (e.g. #4 Tue Jul 20 17:01:36 MEST 1999) machine - system architecture (e.g. i586) Posix requires that you must not make any assumptions about the format of the values, e.g. you cannot rely on three digit version numbers or anything else returned by this function. posix_times Get process times Description array posix_times void Returns a hash of strings with information about the current process CPU usage. The indices of the hash are ticks - the number of clock ticks that have elapsed since reboot. utime - user time used by the current process. stime - system time used by the current process. cutime - user time used by current process and children. cstime - system time used by current process and children. posix_ctermid Get path name of controlling terminal Description string posix_ctermid void Needs to be written. posix_ttyname Determine terminal device name Description string posix_ttyname int fd Needs to be written. posix_isatty Determine if a file descriptor is an interactive terminal Description bool posix_isatty int fd Needs to be written. posix_getcwd Pathname of current directory Description string posix_getcwd void Needs to be written ASAP. posix_mkfifo Create a fifo special file (a named pipe) Description bool posix_getcwd string pathname int mode Needs to be written ASAP.. posix_getgrnam Return info about a group by name Description array posix_getgrnam string name Needs to be written. posix_getgrgid Return info about a group by group id Description array posix_getgrgid int gid Needs to be written. posix_getpwnam Return info about a user by name Description array posix_getpwnam string name Needs to be written ASAP. posix_getpwuid Return info about a user by user id Description array posix_getpwuid int uid Needs to be written ASAP. posix_getrlimit Return info about system ressource limits Description array posix_getrlimit void Needs to be written ASAP.