restore_error_handler Restores the previous error handler function &reftitle.description; boolrestore_error_handler Used after changing the error handler function using set_error_handler, to revert to the previous error handler (which could be the built-in or a user defined function). This function always returns &true;. See also error_reporting, set_error_handler, restore_exception_handler, trigger_error. The example below shows the handling of internal exceptions by triggering errors and handling them with a user defined function. It then restores the original PHP error handling: Error handling with <function>set_error_handler</function>, <function>trigger_error</function> and <function>restore_error_handler</function> My FATAL [$errno] $errstr
\n"; echo " Fatal error in line $errline of file $errfile"; echo ", PHP " . PHP_VERSION . " (" . PHP_OS . ")
\n"; echo "Aborting...
\n"; exit(1); break; case E_USER_WARNING: echo "My ERROR [$errno] $errstr
\n"; break; case E_USER_NOTICE: echo "My WARNING [$errno] $errstr
\n"; break; default: echo "My unkown error type: [$errno] $errstr
\n"; break; } } set_error_handler("myErrorHandler"); trigger_error('Test error', E_USER_WARNING); restore_error_handler(); // Will restore standard PHP handler trigger_error('Test error', E_USER_WARNING); ?> ]]>