&reftitle.intro; PDO_MYSQL is a driver that implements the PHP Data Objects (PDO) interface to enable access from PHP to MySQL 3.x and 4.x databases. PDO_MYSQL will take advantage of native prepared statement support present in MySQL 4.1 and higher. If you're using an older version of the mysql client libraries, PDO will emulate them for you. Beware: Some MySQL table types (storage engines) do not support transactions. When writing transactional database code using a table type that does not support transactions, MySQL will pretend that a transaction was initiated successfully. In addition, any DDL queries issued will implicitly commit any pending transactions.
PDO_MYSQL DSN Connecting to MySQL databases &reftitle.description; The PDO_MYSQL Data Source Name (DSN) is composed of the following elements: DSN prefix The DSN prefix is mysql:. host The hostname on which the database server resides. port The port number where the database server is listening. dbname The name of the database. unix_socket The MySQL unix socket (shouldn't be used with host or port). &reftitle.examples; PDO_MYSQL DSN examples The following example shows a PDO_MYSQL DSN for connecting to MySQL databases: More complete examples: