ora_do Parse, Exec, Fetch &reftitle.description; resourceora_do resourceconnection stringquery Parse and execute a statement, then fetch the first result row. This function is a quick combination of ora_parse, ora_exec and ora_fetch. &reftitle.parameters; connection A connection identifier, opened with ora_logon. query The SQL statement. &reftitle.returnvalues; This function returns a cursor index or &false; on failure. Details about the error can be retrieved using the ora_error and ora_errorcode functions. &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 5.1.0 &oracle.deprecated; &reftitle.notes; There is no direct replacement for ora_do in oci8. Instead, use a sequence of oci_parse, oci_excute, and one of the oci_fetch_*() functions. &reftitle.seealso; ora_parse ora_exec ora_fetch