mcrypt_list_algorithms Gets an array of all supported ciphers &warn.deprecated.function-7-1-0.removed-7-2-0; &reftitle.description; arraymcrypt_list_algorithms stringlib_dirini_get("mcrypt.algorithms_dir") Gets the list of all supported algorithms in the lib_dir parameter. &reftitle.parameters; lib_dir Specifies the directory where all algorithms are located. If not specified, the value of the mcrypt.algorithms_dir &php.ini; directive is used. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns an array with all the supported algorithms. &reftitle.examples; <function>mcrypt_list_algorithms</function> Example ]]> &example.outputs.similar; cast-128 [1] => gost [2] => rijndael-128 [3] => twofish [4] => arcfour [5] => cast-256 [6] => loki97 [7] => rijndael-192 [8] => saferplus [9] => wake [10] => blowfish-compat [11] => des [12] => rijndael-256 [13] => serpent [14] => xtea [15] => blowfish [16] => enigma [17] => rc2 [18] => tripledes ) ]]>