ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs Creates a new class instance from given arguments &reftitle.description; public objectReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs arrayargs Creates a new instance of the class, the given arguments are passed to the class constructor. &reftitle.parameters; args The parameters to be passed to the class constructor as an array. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns a new instance of the class. &reftitle.examples; Basic usage of <methodname>ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs</methodname> newInstanceArgs(array('substr')); var_dump($instance); ?> ]]> &example.outputs; string(6) "substr" } ]]> &reftitle.errors; A ReflectionException if the class constructor is not public. A ReflectionException if the class does not have a constructor and the args parameter contains one or more parameters. &reftitle.seealso; ReflectionClass::newInstance ReflectionClass::newInstanceWithoutConstructor