unicode_decode Convert a binary string into a Unicode string &reftitle.description; unicodeunicode_decode stringinput stringencoding interrmode Convert a binary string encoded in encoding to a unicode string. &reftitle.parameters; input Try string that is converted. encoding The encoding of input. errmode Conversion error mode. This parameter determines the action to take when the converter cannot convert a character. For a list of available modes, refer to unicode_set_error_mode. If the parameter is not set, the global error mode is used. &reftitle.returnvalues; A unicode string or &false; on failure. &reftitle.errors; Emits a E_WARNING level error if a converter cannot be created for the desired encoding. &reftitle.notes; &warn.experimental.func; &reftitle.seealso; unicode_set_error_mode unicode_semantics unicode_encode