sqlite_array_query SQLiteDatabase->arrayQuery Execute a query against a given database and returns an array &reftitle.description; arraysqlite_array_query resourcedbhandle stringquery intresult_typeSQLITE_BOTH booldecode_binarytrue arraysqlite_array_query stringquery resourcedbhandle intresult_typeSQLITE_BOTH booldecode_binarytrue &style.oop; (method): SQLiteDatabase arrayarrayQuery stringquery intresult_typeSQLITE_BOTH booldecode_binarytrue sqlite_array_query executes the given query and returns an array of the entire result set. It is similar to calling sqlite_query and then sqlite_fetch_array for each row in the result set. sqlite_array_query is significantly faster than the aforementioned. sqlite_array_query is best suited to queries returning 45 rows or less. If you have more data than that, it is recommended that you write your scripts to use sqlite_unbuffered_query instead for more optimal performance. &reftitle.parameters; query The query to be executed. Data inside the query should be properly escaped. dbhandle The SQLite Database resource; returned from sqlite_open when used procedurally. This parameter is not required when using the object-oriented method. result_type &sqlite.result-type; decode_binary &sqlite.decode-bin; &sqlite.param-compat; &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns an array of the entire result set; &false; otherwise. &sqlite.case-fold; &reftitle.examples; &style.procedural; ]]> Object-oriented style arrayQuery('SELECT name, email FROM users LIMIT 25', SQLITE_ASSOC); foreach ($result as $entry) { echo 'Name: ' . $entry['name'] . ' E-mail: ' . $entry['email']; } ?> ]]> &reftitle.seealso; sqlite_query sqlite_fetch_array sqlite_fetch_string