<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- $Revision$ --> <chapter xml:id="newt.examples" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"> &reftitle.examples; <section xml:id="newt.examples-usage"> <title>Basic usage</title> <para> This example is a PHP port of RedHat 'setup' utility dialog, executed in text mode. </para> <example> <title>Newt Usage Example</title> <programlisting role="php"> <![CDATA[ <?php newt_init (); newt_cls (); newt_draw_root_text (0, 0, "Test Mode Setup Utility 1.12"); newt_push_help_line (null); newt_draw_root_text (-30, 0, "(c) 1999-2002 RedHat, Inc"); newt_get_screen_size ($rows, $cols); newt_open_window ($rows/2-17, $cols/2-10, 34, 17, "Choose a Tool"); $form = newt_form (); $list = newt_listbox (3, 2, 10); foreach (array ( "Authentication configuration", "Firewall configuration", "Mouse configuration", "Network configuration", "Printer configuration", "System services") as $l_item) { newt_listbox_add_entry ($list, $l_item, $l_item); } $b1 = newt_button (5, 12, "Run Tool"); $b2 = newt_button (21, 12, "Quit"); newt_form_add_component ($form, $list); newt_form_add_components ($form, array($b1, $b2)); newt_refresh (); newt_run_form ($form); newt_pop_window (); newt_pop_help_line (); newt_finished (); newt_form_destroy ($form); ?> ]]> </programlisting> </example> </section> </chapter> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file Local variables: mode: sgml sgml-omittag:t sgml-shorttag:t sgml-minimize-attributes:nil sgml-always-quote-attributes:t sgml-indent-step:1 sgml-indent-data:t indent-tabs-mode:nil sgml-parent-document:nil sgml-default-dtd-file:"~/.phpdoc/manual.ced" sgml-exposed-tags:nil sgml-local-catalogs:nil sgml-local-ecat-files:nil End: vim600: syn=xml fen fdm=syntax fdl=2 si vim: et tw=78 syn=sgml vi: ts=1 sw=1 -->