Hyperwave functions
Hyperwave has been developed at IICM in Graz. It started with
the name Hyper-G and changed to Hyperwave when
it was commercialised (If I remember properly it was in 1996).
Hyperwave is not free software. The current version, 4.1, is
available at www.hyperwave.com. A
time limited version can be ordered for free (30 days).
Hyperwave is an information system similar to a database
(HIS, Hyperwave Information Server). Its focus
is the storage and management of documents. A document can be any
possible piece of data that may as well be stored in file. Each
document is accompanied by its object record. The object record
contains meta data for the document. The meta data is a list of
attributes which can be extended by the user. Certain attributes
are always set by the Hyperwave server, other may be modified by
the user. An attribute is a name/value pair of the form name=value.
The complete object record contains as many of those pairs as the
user likes. The name of an attribute does not have to be unique,
e.g. a title may appear several times within an object record.
This makes sense if you want to specify a title in several languages.
In such a case there is a convention, that each title value is
preceded by the two letter language abbreviation followed by a colon,
e.g. 'en:Title in English' or 'ge:Titel in deutsch'. Other attributes
like a description or keywords are potential candidates. You may
also replace the language abbreviation by any other string as long
as it separated by colon from the rest of the attribute value.
Each object record has native a string representation with each
pair separated by a newline. The Hyperwave extension also knows
a second representation which is an associated array with the
attribute name being the key. Multilingual attribute values itself
form another associated array with the key being the language
abbreviation. Actually any multiple attribute forms an associated
array with the string left to the colon in the attribute value
being the key. (This is not fully implemented. Only the attributes
Title, Description and Keyword are treated properly yet.)
Besides the documents, all hyper links contained in a document
are stored as object records as well. Hyper links which
are in a document will be removed from it and stored as individual
objects, when the document is inserted into the database.
The object record of the link contains information
about where it starts and where it ends.
In order to gain the original document you will have
to retrieve the plain document without the links and the list
of links and reinsert them (The functions
hw_pipedocument and hw_gettext
do this for you. The advantage of separating links
from the document is obvious. Once a document to which a link
is pointing to changes its name, the link can easily be modified
accordingly. The document containing the link is not affected
at all. You may even add a link to a document without modifying
the document itself.
Saying that hw_pipedocument and
hw_gettext do the link insertion automatically
is not as simple as it sounds. Inserting links implies a certain
hierarchy of the documents. On a web server this is given by the
file system, but Hyperwave has its own hierarchy and names do not
reflect the position of an object in that hierarchy. Therefore
creation of links first of all requires a mapping from the Hyperwave
hierarchy and namespace into a web hierarchy respective web namespace.
The fundamental difference between Hyperwave and the web is the clear
distinction between names and hierarchy in Hyperwave. The name does
not contain any information about the objects position in the hierarchy.
In the web the
name also contains the information on where the object is located
in the hierarchy. This leads to two possibles ways of mapping. Either
the Hyperwave hierarchy and name of the Hyperwave object is reflected
in the URL or the name only.
To make things simple the second approach is used.
Hyperwave object with name 'my_object' is mapped to
'http://host/my_object' disregarding where it resides in the
Hyperwave hierarchy.
An object with name 'parent/my_object' could be the child of
'my_object' in the Hyperwave hierarchy, though in a web namespace it
appears to be just the opposite and the user might get confused.
This can only be prevented by selecting reasonable object names.
Having made this decision a second problem arises. How do you
involve PHP? The URL http://host/my_object will not call any
PHP script unless you tell your web server to rewrite it to
e.g. 'http://host/php3_script/my_object' and the script 'php3_script'
evaluates the $PATH_INFO variable and retrieves the object with
name 'my_object' from the Hyperwave server. Their is just one little
drawback which can be fixed easily. Rewriting any URL would not allow
any access to other document on the web server. A PHP script for
searching in the Hyperwave server would be impossible. Therefore
you will need at least a second rewriting rule to exclude certain
URLS like all e.g. starting with http://host/Hyperwave. This is
basically sharing of a namespace by the web and Hyperwave server.
Based on the above mechanism links are insert into documents.
It gets more complicated if PHP is not run as a server module or CGI
script but as a standalone application e.g. to dump the content of
the Hyperwave server on a CD-ROM. In such a case it makes sense to
retain the Hyperwave hierarchy and map in onto the file system. This
conflicts with the object names if they reflect its own hierarchy
(e.g. by choosing names including '/'). Therefore '/' has to be
replaced by another character, e.g. '_'. to be continued.
The network protocol to communicate
with the Hyperwave server is called HG-CSP (Hyper-G
Client/Server Protocol). It is based on messages to initiate
certain actions, e.g. get object record. In early versions of
the Hyperwave Server two native clients (Harmony, Amadeus) were
provided for communication with the server. Those two disappeared
when Hyperwave was commercialised. As a replacement a so called
wavemaster was provided. The wavemaster is like a protocol converter
from HTTP to HG-CSP. The idea is
to do all the administration of the database and visualisation of
documents by a web interface. The wavemaster implements a set of
placeholders for certain actions to customise the interface. This
set of placeholders is called the PLACE Language.
PLACE lacks a lot of features of a real programming
language and any extension to it only enlarges the list of
placeholders. This has led to the use of JavaScript which IMO does
not make life easier.
Adding Hyperwave support to PHP should fill in the gap of a
missing programming language for interface customisation. It
implements all the messages as defined by the
HG-CSP but also provides more powerful commands
to e.g. retrieve complete documents.
Hyperwave has its own terminology to name certain pieces of
information. This has widely been taken over and extended.
Almost all functions operate on one of the following data types.
object ID: An unique integer value for each object in the
Hyperwave server. It is also one of the attributes of the
object record (ObjectID). Object ids are often used as an
input parameter to specify an object.
object record: A string with attribute-value pairs of the form
attribute=value. The pairs are separated by a carriage return
from each other. An object record can easily be converted into
an object array with hw_object2array.
Several functions return object records. The names of those
functions end with obj.
object array: An associated array with all attributes of an
object. The key is the attribute name. If an attribute occurs
more than once in an object record it will result in another
indexed or associated array. Attributes which are language
depended (like the title, keyword, description) will form an
associated array with the key set to the language
abbreviation. All other multiple attributes will form an
indexed array. PHP functions never return object arrays.
hw_document: This is a complete new data type which holds the
actual document, e.g. HTML, PDF etc. It is somewhat optimised
for HTML documents but may be used for any format.
Several functions which return an array of object records do also
return an associated array with statistical information about
them. The array is the last element of the object record
array. The statistical array contains the following entries:
Number of object records with attribute PresentationHints
set to Hidden.
Number of object records with attribute
PresentationHints set to CollectionHead.
Number of object records with attribute
PresentationHints set to FullCollectionHead.
Index in array of object records with
attribute PresentationHints set to CollectionHead.
Index in array of object records with
attribute PresentationHints set to FullCollectionHead.
Total: Number of object records.
Integration with Apache
The Hyperwave extension is best used when PHP is compiled as an
Apache module. In such a case the underlying Hyperwave server can
be hidden from users almost completely if Apache uses its rewriting
engine. The following instructions will explain this.
Since PHP with Hyperwave support built into Apache is intended
to replace the native Hyperwave solution based on Wavemaster I
will assume that the Apache server will only serve as a Hyperwave
web interface. This is not necessary but it simplifies the
configuration. The concept is quite simple. First of all you
need a PHP script which evaluates the PATH_INFO
variable and treats its value as the name of a Hyperwave
object. Let's call this script 'Hyperwave'. The URL http://your.hostname/Hyperwave/name_of_object
would than return the Hyperwave object with the name
'name_of_object'. Depending on the type of the object the script
has to react accordingly. If it is a collection, it will probably
return a list of children. If it is a document it will return the
mime type and the content. A slight improvement can be achieved
if the Apache rewriting engine is used. From the users point of
view it would be more straight forward if the URL http://your.hostname/name_of_object would
return the object. The rewriting rule is quite easy:
RewriteRule ^/(.*) /usr/local/apache/htdocs/HyperWave/$1 [L]
Now every URL relates to an object in the Hyperwave server. This
causes a simple to solve problem. There is no way to execute a
different script, e.g. for searching, than the 'Hyperwave'
script. This can be fixed with another rewriting rule like the
RewriteRule ^/hw/(.*) /usr/local/apache/htdocs/hw/$1 [L]
This will reserve the directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/hw for
additional scripts and other files. Just make sure this rule is
evaluated before the one above. There is just a little drawback:
all Hyperwave objects whose name starts with 'hw/' will be
shadowed. So, make sure you don't use such names. If you need
more directories, e.g. for images just add more rules or place
them all in one directory. Finally, don't forget to turn on the
rewriting engine with
RewriteEngine on
My experiences have shown that you will need the following
to return the object itself
to allow searching
to identify yourself
to set your profile
one for each additional function like to show
the object attributes, to show information about users,
to show the status of the server, etc.
There are still some things todo:
The hw_InsertDocument has to be split into
hw_InsertObject and
The names of several functions are not fixed, yet.
Most functions require the current connection
as its first parameter. This leads to a lot of typing, which
is quite often not necessary if there is just one open
connection. A default connection will
improve this.
Conversion form object record into object array
needs to handle any multiple attribute.
convert attributes from object array to object record
strin hw_array2objrec
array object_array
Converts an object_array into an object record.
Multiple attributes like 'Title' in different languages are treated
See also hw_objrec2array.
object ids of children
array hw_children
int connection
int objectID
Returns an array of object ids. Each id
belongs to a child of the collection with ID
The array contains all children both documents and collections.
object records of children
array hw_childrenobj
int connection
int objectID
Returns an array of object records. Each object record
belongs to a child of the collection with ID
The array contains all children both documents and collections.
closes the Hyperwave connection
int hw_close
int connection
Returns false if connection is not a valid connection index,
otherwise true. Closes down the connection to a Hyperwave server
with the given connection index.
opens a connection
int hw_connect
string host
int port
string username
string password
Opens a connection to a Hyperwave server and returns a connection
index on success, or false if the connection
could not be made. Each of the arguments should be a quoted string,
except for the port number. The username and
password arguments are
optional and can be left out. In such a case no identification with
the server will be done. It is similar to identify as user anonymous.
This function returns a connection
index that is needed by other Hyperwave functions. You can have
multiple connections open at once. Keep in mind, that the password
is not encrypted.
See also hw_pConnect.
copies objects
int hw_cp
int connection
array object_id_array
int destination id
Copies the objects with object ids as specified in the second
parameter to the collection
with the id destination id.
The value return is the number of copied objects.
See also hw_mv.
deletes object
int hw_deleteobject
int connection
int object_to_delete
Deletes the object with the given object id in the second
parameter. It will delete all instances of the object.
Returns TRUE if no error occurs otherwise FALSE.
See also hw_mv.
object id object belonging to anchor
int hw_docbyanchor
int connection
int anchorID
Returns an th object id of the document to
which anchorID belongs.
object record object belonging to anchor
string hw_docbyanchorobj
int connection
int anchorID
Returns an th object record of the document to
which anchorID belongs.
object record of hw_document
string hw_documentattributes
int hw_document
Returns the object record of the document.
See also hw_DocumentBodyTag,
body tag of hw_document
string hw_documentbodytag
int hw_document
Returns the BODY tag of the document. If the document is an HTML
document the BODY tag should be printed before the document.
See also hw_DocumentAttributes,
returns content of hw_document
string hw_documentcontent
int hw_document
Returns the content of the document. If the document is an HTML
document the content is everything after the BODY tag. Information
from the HEAD and BODY tag is in the stored in the object record.
See also hw_DocumentAttributes,
sets/replaces content of hw_document
string hw_documentsetcontent
int hw_document
string content
Sets or replaces the content of the document. If the document is an HTML
document the content is everything after the BODY tag. Information
from the HEAD and BODY tag is in the stored in the object record.
If you provide this information in the content of the document too,
the Hyperwave server will change the object record accordingly when
the document is inserted. Probably not a very good idea.
If this functions fails the document will retain its old content.
See also hw_DocumentAttributes,
size of hw_document
int hw_documentsize
int hw_document
Returns the size in bytes of the document.
See also hw_DocumentBodyTag,
returns error message
string hw_errormsg
int connection
Returns a string containing the last error message or 'No Error'. If false
is returned, this function failed.
The message relates to the last command.
retrieve text document
int hw_edittext
int connection
int hw_document
Uploads the text document to the server. The object record
of the document may not be modified while the document
is edited.
This function will only works for pure text documents. It will
not open a special data connection and therefore blocks the
control connection during the transfer.
See also hw_PipeDocument,
error number
int hw_error
int connection
Returns the last error number. If the return value is 0 no error has
occurred. The error relates to the last command.
frees hw_document
int hw_free_document
int hw_document
Frees the memory occupied by the Hyperwave document.
object ids of parents
array hw_getparentsobj
int connection
int objectID
Returns an indexed array of object ids. Each object id belongs to
a parent of the object with ID objectID.
object records of parents
array hw_getparentsobj
int connection
int objectID
Returns an indexed array of object records plus an associated array with statistical
information about the object records. The associated array is the
last entry of the returned array. Each object record belongs to
a parent of the object with ID objectID.
object ids of child collections
array hw_getchildcoll
int connection
int objectID
Returns an array of object ids. Each object ID
belongs to a child collection of the collection with ID
objectID. The function will not
return child documents.
See also hw_GetChildren,
object records of child collections
array hw_getchildcollobj
int connection
int objectID
Returns an array of object records. Each object records
belongs to a child collection of the collection with ID
objectID. The function will not return
child documents.
See also hw_ChildrenObj,
Gets a remote document
int hw_getremote
int connection
int objectID
Returns a remote document. Remote documents in Hyperwave notation
are documents retrieved from an external source. Common remote
documents are for example external web pages or queries in
a database. In order to be able to access external sources
throught remote documents Hyperwave introduces the HGI (Hyperwave
Gateway Interface) which is similar to the CGI. Currently, only
ftp, http-servers and some databases can be accessed by the HGI.
Calling hw_GetRemote returns the document from
the external source. If you want to use this function you should be
very familiar with HGIs. You should also consider to use PHP instead
of Hyperwave to access external sources. Adding database support
by a Hyperwave gateway should be more difficult than doing it in PHP.
See also hw_GetRemoteChildren.
Gets children of remote document
int hw_getremotechildren
int connection
string object record
Returns the children of a remote document. Children of a remote
document are remote documents itself.
This makes sense
if a database query has to be narrowed and is explained in
Hyperwave Programmers' Guide. If the number of children is 1 the
function will return the document itself formated by the Hyperwave
Gateway Interface (HGI). If the number of children
is greater than 1 it will return an array of object record with
each maybe the input value for another call to
hw_GetRemoteChildren. Those object records are
virtual and do not exist in the Hyperwave server, therefore they
do not have a valid object ID. How exactely such an object record
looks like is up to the HGI.
If you want to use this function you should be very familiar with HGIs.
You should also consider to use PHP instead of Hyperwave to access
sources. Adding database support by a Hyperwave gateway should be more
difficult than doing it in PHP.
See also hw_GetRemote.
Returns anchors pointing at object
array hw_getsrcbydestobj
int connection
int objectID
Returns the object records of all anchors pointing to the object with ID
objectID. The object can either be a document
or an anchor of type destination.
See also hw_GetAnchors.
object record
array hw_getobject
int connection
[int|array] objectID
string query
Returns the object record for the object with ID
objectID if the second parameter is an integer.
If the second parameter is an array of integer the function will
return an array of object records. In such a case the last
parameter is also evaluated which is a query string.
The query string has the following syntax:
<expr> ::= "(" <expr> ")" |
"!" <expr> | /* NOT */
<expr> "||" <expr> | /* OR */
<expr> "&&" <expr> | /* AND */
<attribute> <operator> <value>
<attribute> ::= /* any attribute name (Title, Author, DocumentType ...) */
<operator> ::= "=" | /* equal */
"<" | /* less than (string compare) */
">" | /* greater than (string compare) */
"~" /* regular expression matching */
The query allows to further select certain objects from the list
of given objects. Unlike the other
query functions, this query may use not indexed attributes. How many
object records are returned depends on the query and if access to
the object is allowed.
See also hw_GetAndLock,
return bject record and lock object
string hw_getandlock
int connection
int objectID
Returns the object record for the object with ID
It will also lock the object, so other users cannot access
it until it is unlocked.
See also hw_Unlock,
retrieve text document
int hw_gettext
int connection
int objectID
Returns the document with object ID
objectID. If the document
has anchors which can be inserted, they will be inserted already.
The optional parameter rootID/prefix can
be a string or an integer. If it is an integer it determines
how links are inserted
into the document. The default is 0 and will result in links that
are constructed from the name of the link's destination object. This
is useful for web applications. If a link points to an object with
name 'internet_movie' the HTML link will be
<A HREF="/internet_movie">. The actual location of the source and
destination object in the document hierachy is disregarded. You
will have to set up your web browser, to rewrite that URL to for
example '/my_script.php3/internet_movie'. 'my_script.php3' will
have to evaluate $PATH_INFO and retrieve the document.
All links will have the prefix '/my_script.php3/'. If you do not
want this you can set the optional parameter
rootID/prefix to any prefix which
is used instead. Is this case it has to be a string.
If rootID/prefix is an integer and
unequal to 0 the link is constructed from all the names
starting at the object with the id rootID/prefix
separated by a slash relative to the current object.
If for example the above document 'internet_movie' is located
at 'a-b-c-internet_movie' with '-' being the seperator between
hierachy levels on the Hyperwave server and the source document is
located at 'a-b-d-source' the resulting HTML link would be:
<A HREF="../c/internet_movie">. This is useful if you want
to download the whole server content onto disk and map
the document hierachy onto the file system.
This function will only work for pure text documents. It will
not open a special data connection and therefore blocks the
control connection during the transfer.
See also hw_PipeDocument,
search object
array hw_getobjectbyquery
int connection
string query
int max_hits
Searches for objects on the whole server and returns an array of
object ids. The maximum number of matches is limited to
max_hits. If max_hits
is set to -1 the maximum number of matches is unlimited.
The query will only work with indexed attributes.
See also hw_GetObjectByQueryObj.
search object
array hw_getobjectbyqueryobj
int connection
string query
int max_hits
Searches for objects on the whole server and returns an array of
object records. The maximum number of matches is limited to
max_hits. If max_hits
is set to -1 the maximum number of matches is unlimited.
The query will only work with indexed attributes.
See also hw_GetObjectByQuery.
search object in collection
array hw_getobjectbyquerycoll
int connection
int objectID
string query
int max_hits
Searches for objects in collection with ID
objectID and returns an array of
object ids. The maximum number of matches is limited to
If max_hits
is set to -1 the maximum number of matches is unlimited.
The query will only work with indexed attributes.
See also hw_GetObjectByQueryCollObj.
search object in collection
array hw_getobjectbyquerycollobj
int connection
int objectID
string query
int max_hits
Searches for objects in collection with ID
objectID and returns an array of
object records. The maximum number of matches is limited to
If max_hits
is set to -1 the maximum number of matches is unlimited.
The query will only work with indexed attributes.
See also hw_GetObjectByQueryColl.
object ids of child documents of collection
array hw_getchilddoccoll
int connection
int objectID
Returns array of object ids for child documents of a collection.
See also hw_GetChildren,
object records of child documents of collection
array hw_getchilddoccollobj
int connection
int objectID
Returns an array of object records for child documents of a collection.
See also hw_ChildrenObj,
object ids of anchors of document
array hw_getanchors
int connection
int objectID
Returns an array of object ids with anchors of the document
with object ID objectID.
object records of anchors of document
array hw_getanchorsobj
int connection
int objectID
Returns an array of object records with anchors of the document
with object ID objectID.
moves objects
int hw_mv
int connection
array object id array
int source id
int destination id
Moves the objects with object ids as specified in the second
parameter from the collection with id source id
to the collection with the id destination id.
If the destination id is 0 the objects will
be unlinked from the source collection. If this is the last instance
of that object it will be deleted. If you want to delete all instances
at once, use hw_deleteobject.
The value return is the number of moved objects.
See also hw_cp,
identifies as user
int hw_identify
string username
string password
Identifies as user with username and
password. Identification
is only valid for the current session. I do not thing this
function will be needed very often. In most cases it will
be easier to identify with the opening of the connection.
See also hw_Connect.
check if object ids in collections
array hw_incollections
int connection
array object_id_array
array collection_id_array
int return_collections
Checks whether a set of objects (documents or collections)
specified by the object_id_array is part of
the collections listed in collection_id_array.
When the fourth parameter return_collections is 0,
the subset of object ids that is part of the collections (i.e.,
the documents or collections that are children of one or more
collections of collection ids or their subcollections, recursively)
is returned as an array. When the fourth parameter is 1, however, the
set of collections that have one or more objects of this subset as
children are returned as an array. This option allows a client to,
e.g., highlight the part of the collection hierarchy that contains
the matches of a previous query, in a graphical overview.
info about connection
string hw_info
int connection
Returns information about the current connection. The returned string
has the following format: <Serverstring>, <Host>,
<Port>, <Username>, <Port of Client>,
<Byte swapping>
insert collection
int hw_inscoll
int connection
int objectID
array object_array
Inserts a new collection with attributes as in
object_array into
collection with object ID objectID.
insert document
int hw_insdoc
int connection
int parentID
string object_record
string text
Inserts a new document with attributes as in
object_record into collection with object ID
parentID. This function inserts either
an object record only or an object record and a pure ascii text in
text if text is given.
If you want to insert a general document of any kind use
hw_insertdocument instead.
See also hw_InsertDocument,
upload any document
int hw_insertdocument
int connection
int parent_id
int hw_document
Uploads a document into the collection with
The document has to be created before with
hw_NewDocument. Make sure that
the object record of the new document contains at least
the attributes: Type, DocumentType, Title and Name. Possibly
you also want to set the MimeType. The functions returns the
object id of the new document or false.
See also hw_PipeDocument.
inserts an object record
int hw_insertobject
int connection
string object rec
string parameter
Inserts an object into the server. The object can be
any valid hyperwave object. See the HG-CSP documentation
for a detailed information on how the parameters have to be.
Note: If you want to insert an Anchor, the attribute Position
has always been set either to a start/end value or to
'invisible'. Invisible positions are needed if the annotation
has no correspondig link in the annotation text.
See also hw_PipeDocument,
modifies object record
int hw_modifyobject
int connection
int object_to_change
array remove
array add
int mode
This command allows to remove, add, or modify individual attributes
of an object record. The object is specified by the Object ID
object_to_change. The first array
remove is a list of attributes to remove.
The second array add is a list of attributes
to add. In order to modify an attribute one will have to remove
the old one and add a new one. hw_modifyobject
will always remove the attributes before it adds attributes unless
the value of the attribute to remove is not a string or array.
The last parameter determines if the modification is performed
recursively. 1 means recurive modification. If some of the objects
cannot be modified they will be skiped without notice.
hw_error may not indicate an error though
some of the objects could not be modified.
The keys of both arrays are the attributes name. The value of each
array element can either be an array, a string or anything else.
If it is an array
each attribute value is constructed by the key of each element plus
a colon and the value of each element. If it is a string it is taken
as the attribute value. An empty string will result in a complete
removal of that attribute. If the value is neither a string nor an
array but something else, e.g. an integer, no operation at all will
be performed on the attribute. This is neccessary if you want to
to add a completely new attribute not just a new value for an existing
attribute. If the remove array contained
an empty string for that attribute, the attribute would be tried to be
removed which would fail since it doesn't exist. The following addition of
a new value for that attribute would also fail. Setting the value
for that attribute to e.g. 0 would not even try to remove it and
the addition will work.
If you would like to change the attribute 'Name' with the current
value 'books' into 'articles' you will have to create two arrays
and call hw_modifyobject.
modifying an attribute
// $connect is an existing connection to the Hyperwave server
// $objid is the ID of the object to modify
$remarr = array("Name" => "books");
$addarr = array("Name" => "articles");
$hw_modifyobject($connect, $objid, $remarr, $addarr);
In order to delete/add a name=value pair from/to the object record just
pass the remove/add array and set the last/third parameter to an empty
array. If the attribute is the first one with that name to add, set
attribute value in the remove array to an integer.
adding a completely new attribute
// $connect is an existing connection to the Hyperwave server
// $objid is the ID of the object to modify
$remarr = array("Name" => 0);
$addarr = array("Name" => "articles");
$hw_modifyobject($connect, $objid, $remarr, $addarr);
Multilingual attributes, e.g. 'Title', can be modified in two
ways. Either by providing the attributes value in its native
form 'language':'title' or by providing an array with elements
for each language as described above. The above example would
than be:
modifying Title attribute
$remarr = array("Title" => "en:Books");
$addarr = array("Title" => "en:Articles");
$hw_modifyobject($connect, $objid, $remarr, $addarr);
modifying Title attribute
$remarr = array("Title" => array("en" => "Books"));
$addarr = array("Title" => array("en" => "Articles", "ge"=>"Artikel"));
$hw_modifyobject($connect, $objid, $remarr, $addarr);
This removes the english title 'Books' and adds the english title
'Articles' and the german title 'Artikel'.
removing attribute
$remarr = array("Title" => "");
$addarr = array("Title" => "en:Articles");
$hw_modifyobject($connect, $objid, $remarr, $addarr);
This will remove all attributes with the name 'Title' and adds
a new 'Title' attribute. This comes in handy if you want to
remove attributes recursively.
If you need to delete all attributes with a certain name you
will have to pass an empty string as the attribute value.
Only the attributes 'Title', 'Description' and 'Keyword' will
properly handle the language prefix. If those attributes don't carry
a language prefix, the prefix 'xx' will be assigned.
The 'Name' attribute is somewhat special. In some cases it cannot
be complete removed. You will get an error message 'Change of base
attribute' (not clear when this happens). Therefore you will always
have to add a new Name first and than remove the old one.
You may not suround this function by calls to
hw_getandlock and hw_unlock.
hw_modifyobject does this internally.
Returns TRUE if no error occurs otherwise FALSE.
create new document
int hw_new_document
string object_record
string document_data
int document_size
Returns a new Hyperwave document with document data set to
document_data and object record set to
object_record. The length of the
document_data has to passed in
document_sizeThis function does not
insert the document into the Hyperwave server.
See also hw_FreeDocument,
convert attributes from object record to object array
array hw_objrec2array
string object_record
Converts an object_record into an object array.
The keys of the resulting array are the attributes names.
Multiple attributes like 'Title' in different languages form its own
array. The keys of this array are the left part to the colon of the
attribute value. Currently only the attributes 'Title', 'Description'
and 'Keyword' are treated properly. Other multiple attributes form
an index array. Currently only the attribute 'Group' is handled
See also hw_array2objrec.
prints hw_document
int hw_outputdocument
int hw_document
Prints the document without the BODY tag.
make a persistent database connection
int hw_pconnect
string host
int port
string username
string password
Returns a connection index on success, or false if the connection
could not be made. Opens a persistent connection to a Hyperwave
server. Each of the arguments should be a quoted string,
except for the port number. The username
and password arguments are
optional and can be left out. In such a case no identification with
the server will be done. It is similar to identify as user anonymous.
This function returns a connection
index that is needed by other Hyperwave functions. You can have
multiple persistent connections open at once.
See also hw_Connect.
retrieve any document
int hw_pipedocument
int connection
int objectID
Returns the Hyperwave document with object ID
objectID. If the document
has anchors which can be inserted, they will have been inserted already.
The document will be transfered via a special data connection which
does not block the control connection.
See also hw_GetText for more on link insertion,
root object id
int hw_root
Returns the object ID of the hyperroot collection. Currently this
is always 0. The child collection of the hyperroot is the root
collection of the connected server.
unlock object
int hw_unlock
int connection
int objectID
Unlocks a document, so other users regain access.
See also hw_GetAndLock.
List of currently logged in users
int hw_who
int connection
Returns an array of users currently logged into the Hyperwave server.
Each entry in this array is an array itself containing the elements id,
name, system, onSinceDate, onSinceTime, TotalTime and self. 'self'
is 1 if this entry belongs to the user who initianted the request.
name of currently logged in user
string hw_getusername
int connection
Returns the username of the connection.