Basic FFI usage Before diving into the details of the FFI API, lets take a look at a few examples demonstrating the simplicity of the FFI API usage for regular tasks. Some of these examples require libc.so.6 and as such will not work on systems where it is not available. Calling a function from shared library printf("Hello %s!\n", "world"); ?> ]]> &example.outputs; Note that some C functions need specific calling conventions, e.g. __fastcall, __stdcall or ,__vectorcall. Calling a function, returning a structure through an argument new("struct timeval"); $tz = $ffi->new("struct timezone"); // call C's gettimeofday() var_dump($ffi->gettimeofday(FFI::addr($tv), FFI::addr($tz))); // access field of C data structure var_dump($tv->tv_sec); // print the whole C data structure var_dump($tz); ?> ]]> &example.outputs.similar; int(0) ["tz_dsttime"]=> int(0) } ]]> Accessing existing C variables errno); ?> ]]> &example.outputs; Creating and Modifying C variables cdata); // simple assignment $x->cdata = 5; var_dump($x->cdata); // compound assignment $x->cdata += 2; var_dump($x->cdata); ?> ]]> &example.outputs; Working with C arrays ]]> &example.outputs; Working with C enums ZEND_FFI_SYM_TYPE); var_dump($a->ZEND_FFI_SYM_CONST); var_dump($a->ZEND_FFI_SYM_VAR); ?> ]]> &example.outputs;
PHP Callbacks It is possible to assign a PHP closure to a native variable of function pointer type or to pass it as a function argument: zend_write; $zend->zend_write = function($str, $len) { global $orig_zend_write; $orig_zend_write("{\n\t", 3); $ret = $orig_zend_write($str, $len); $orig_zend_write("}\n", 2); return $ret; }; echo "Hello World 2!\n"; $zend->zend_write = $orig_zend_write; echo "Hello World 3!\n"; ?> ]]> &example.outputs; Although this works, this functionality is not supported on all libffi platforms, is not efficient and leaks resources by the end of request. It is therefore recommended to minimize the usage of PHP callbacks.
A Complete PHP/FFI/preloading Example php.ini preload.php ]]> dummy.h dummy.php printf($format, ...$args); } } ?> ]]> test.php printf("Hello %s!\n", "world"); ?> ]]>