&reftitle.constants; &extension.constants; SVN_REVISON_HEAD (integer) Magic number (-1) specifying the HEAD revision Constants usable with <function>svn_auth_set_parameter</function> SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_USERNAME (string) Property for default username to use when performing basic authentication SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_PASSWORD (string) Property for default password to use when performing basic authentication SVN_AUTH_PARAM_NON_INTERACTIVE (string) SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DONT_STORE_PASSWORDS (string) SVN_AUTH_PARAM_NO_AUTH_CACHE (string) SVN_AUTH_PARAM_SSL_SERVER_FAILURES (string) SVN_AUTH_PARAM_SSL_SERVER_CERT_INFO (string) SVN_AUTH_PARAM_CONFIG (string) SVN_AUTH_PARAM_SERVER_GROUP (string) SVN_AUTH_PARAM_CONFIG_DIR (string) PHP_SVN_AUTH_PARAM_IGNORE_SSL_VERIFY_ERRORS (string) Custom property for ignoring SSL cert verification errors Filesystem constants SVN_FS_CONFIG_FS_TYPE (string) Configuration key that determines filesystem type SVN_FS_TYPE_BDB (string) Filesystem is Berkeley-DB implementation SVN_FS_TYPE_FSFS (string) Filesystem is native-filesystem implementation Reserved property constants SVN_PROP_REVISION_DATE (string) svn:date SVN_PROP_REVISION_ORIG_DATE (string) svn:original-date SVN_PROP_REVISION_AUTHOR (string) svn:author SVN_PROP_REVISION_LOG (string) svn:log Working copy status constants svn_wc_status_none (int) Status does not exist svn_wc_status_unversioned (int) Item is not versioned in working copy svn_wc_status_normal (int) Item exists, nothing else is happening svn_wc_status_added (int) Item is scheduled for addition svn_wc_status_missing (int) Item is versioned but missing from the working copy svn_wc_status_deleted (int) Item is scheduled for deletion svn_wc_status_replaced (int) Item was deleted and then re-added svn_wc_status_modified (int) Item (text or properties) was modified svn_wc_status_merged (int) Item's local modifications were merged with repository modifications svn_wc_status_conflicted (int) Item's local modifications conflicted with repository modifications svn_wc_status_ignored (int) Item is unversioned but configured to be ignored svn_wc_status_obstructed (int) Unversioned item is in the way of a versioned resource svn_wc_status_external (int) Unversioned path that is populated using svn:externals svn_wc_status_incomplete (int) Directory does not contain complete entries list Node type constants svn_node_none (int) Absent svn_node_file (int) File svn_node_dir (int) Directory svn_node_unknown (int) Something Subversion cannot identify