PostgreSQL Session Save Handler Session PgSQL
&reftitle.intro; &warn.experimental; ¬; This module provide additional session save handler for session module using PostgreSQL as a storage. user session save handler may be used, but this module is written in C. Therefore, this module is roughly 2 times faster than save handler written in PHP script. Fail-over and load balance is planned to be implemented, but they are not available now. There will be functions for this module, but it is not available now.
&reftitle.required; You need at least PHP 4.1, PostgreSQL 7.1 and MM 1.1.3
&reference.session-pgsql.configure; &reference.session-pgsql.ini;
Contact Information I have at the moment not very much time to further develop this extension. I will implement more and more features in the near future. If you have comments, bug fixes, enhancements or want to help developing this, you can drop me a mail at Any help is very welcome.