PostgreSQL Functions (PDO_PGSQL)PostgreSQL (PDO)
PDO_PGSQL is a driver that implements the PHP
Data Objects (PDO) interface
to enable access from PHP to PostgreSQL databases.
This extension defines a stream resource returned by
PDO_PGSQL DSNConnecting to PostgreSQL databases
The PDO_PGSQL Data Source Name (DSN) is composed of the following elements, delimited by spaces or semicolons:
DSN prefix
The DSN prefix is pgsql:.
The hostname on which the database server resides.
The port on which the database server is running.
The name of the database.
The name of the user for the connection. If you specify the user name
in the DSN, PDO ignores the value of the user name argument in the
PDO constructor.
The password of the user for the connection. If you specify the
password in the DSN, PDO ignores the value of the password argument
in the PDO constructor.
The bytea fields are returned as streams.
PDO_PGSQL DSN examples
The following example shows a PDO_PGSQL DSN for connecting to
a PostgreSQL database: