filemtime Gets file modification time &reftitle.description; intfilemtime stringfilename This function returns the time when the data blocks of a file were being written to, that is, the time when the content of the file was changed. &reftitle.parameters; filename Path to the file. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns the time the file was last modified, &return.falseforfailure;. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp, which is suitable for the date function. &reftitle.examples; <function>filemtime</function> example ]]> &reftitle.errors; &fs.emits.warning.on.failure; &reftitle.notes; ¬e.filesystem-time-res; ¬e.clearstatcache; &tip.fopen-wrapper.stat; &reftitle.seealso; filectime stat touch getlastmod