pdo Functions pdo
&reftitle.intro; &warn.experimental; The PDO extension defines a lightweight, consistent interface for accessing databases in PHP. Each database driver that implements the PDO interface can expose database-specific features as regular extension functions.
&reftitle.install; PDO is currently available as a PECL extension from &url.pecl.package;pdo. Ensure you have installed the CGI version of PHP and that the pear and phpize scripts are available in your current path. Run the following command to download, build, and install the latest stable version of PDO: Windows users can download the extension DLL pdo.dll from &url.pecl.get.win; The pear command automatically installs the PDO module into your PHP extensions directory. To enable the PDO extension on UNIX or Linux operating systems, you must add the following line to &php.ini;: To enable the PDO extension on Windows operating systems, you must add the following line to &php.ini;:
<classname>PDO</classname> Represents a connection between PHP and a database server.
&reftitle.constructor; PDO - constructs a new PDO object
&reftitle.methods; beginTransaction - begins a transaction commit - commits a transaction exec - issues an SQL statement errorCode - retrieves an error code, if any, from the database errorInfo - retrieves an array of error information, if any, from the database lastInsertId - retrieves the value of the last row that was inserted into a table prepare - prepares an SQL statement for execution rollBack - roll back a transaction setAttribute - sets a database connection attribute
<classname>PDOStatement</classname> Represents a prepared statement and, after the statement is executed, an associated result set.
&reftitle.methods; bindColumn - binds a PHP variable to an output column in a result set bindParam - binds a PHP variable to a parameter in the prepared statement errorCode - retrieves an error code, if any, from the statement errorInfo - retrieves an array of error information, if any, from the statement execute - executes a prepared statement fetch - fetches a row from a result set fetchAll - fetches an array containing all of the rows from a result set fetchSingle - returns the data from the first column in a result set rowCount - returns the number of rows that were affected by the execution of an SQL statement