xslt_set_error_handler Set an error handler for a XSLT processor Description voidxslt_set_error_handler resourcexh mixedhandler Set an error handler function for the XSLT processor given by xh, this function will be called whenever an error occurs in the XSLT transformation (this function is also called for notices). The user function needs to accept four parameters: the XSLT processor, the error level, the error code and an array of messages. The function can be shown as: error_handler resourcexh interror_level interror_code arraymessages &reftitle.examples; <function>xslt_set_error_handler</function> Example oops, I misspelled the closing tag '; // XSL content : $xsl=' '; $xh = xslt_create(); xslt_set_error_handler($xh, "xslt_error_handler"); echo xslt_process($xh, 'arg:/_xml', 'arg:/_xsl', NULL, array("/_xml" => $xml, "/_xsl" => $xsl)); ?> ]]> This example will output something similar to: resource(1) of type (XSLT Processor) [1]=> int(3) [2]=> int(0) [3]=> array(6) { ["msgtype"]=> string(5) "error" ["code"]=> string(1) "2" ["module"]=> string(9) "Sablotron" ["URI"]=> string(9) "arg:/_xml" ["line"]=> string(1) "4" ["msg"]=> string(34) "XML parser error 7: mismatched tag" } } ]]> &reftitle.seealso; xslt_set_object if you want to use an object method as handler.