ldap_list Single-level search Description resourceldap_list resourcelink_identifier stringbase_dn stringfilter arrayattributes intattrsonly intsizelimit inttimelimit intderef Returns a search result identifier or &false; on error. ldap_list performs the search for a specified filter on the directory with the scope LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL. LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL means that the search should only return information that is at the level immediately below the base_dn given in the call. (Equivalent to typing "ls" and getting a list of files and folders in the current working directory.) This call takes 5 optional parameters. See ldap_search notes. These optional parameters were added in 4.0.2: attrsonly, sizelimit, timelimit, deref. Produce a list of all organizational units of an organization From 4.0.5 on it's also possible to do parallel searches. See ldap_search for details.