&reftitle.constants; &extension.constants; BBCODE_TYPE_NOARG (integer) This BBCode tag does not accept any arguments. BBCODE_TYPE_SINGLE (integer) This BBCode tag does not have a corresponding close tag. BBCODE_TYPE_ARG (integer) This BBCode tag need an argument. BBCODE_TYPE_OPTARG (integer) This BBCode tag accept an optional argument. BBCODE_TYPE_ROOT (integer) This BBCode tag is the special tag root (nesting level 0). BBCODE_FLAGS_ARG_PARSING (integer) This BBCode tag require argument sub-parsing (the argument is also parsed by the BBCode extension). As Of 0.10.2 another parser can be used as argument parser. BBCODE_FLAGS_CDATA_NOT_ALLOWED (integer) This BBCode Tag does not accept content (it voids it automatically). BBCODE_FLAGS_SMILEYS_ON (integer) - since 0.10.2 This BBCode Tag accepts smileys. BBCODE_FLAGS_SMILEYS_OFF (integer) - since 0.10.2 This BBCode Tag does not accept smileys. BBCODE_FLAGS_ONE_OPEN_PER_LEVEL (integer) - since 0.10.2 This BBCode Tag automatically closes if another tag of the same type is found at the same nesting level. BBCODE_FLAGS_REMOVE_IF_EMPTY (integer) - since 0.10.2 This BBCode Tag is automatically removed if content is empty it allows to produce lighter HTML. BBCODE_FLAGS_DENY_REOPEN_CHILD (integer) - since 0.10.3 This BBCode Tag does not allow unclosed children to reopen when automatically closed. BBCODE_ARG_DOUBLE_QUOTE (integer) - since 0.10.2 This is a parser option allowing argument quoting with double quotes (") BBCODE_ARG_SINGLE_QUOTE (integer) - since 0.10.2 This is a parser option allowing argument quoting with single quotes (') BBCODE_ARG_HTML_QUOTE (integer) - since 0.10.2 This is a parser option allowing argument quoting with HTML version of double quotes (") BBCODE_ARG_QUOTE_ESCAPING (integer) - since 1.0.2 This is a parser option allowing argument quotes to be escaped this permit the quote delimiter to be found in the string escaping character is \ it can escape any quoting character or itself, if found in front of a non escapable character, it will be dropped. Default behaviour is not to use escaping. BBCODE_AUTO_CORRECT (integer) - since 0.10.2 This is a parser option changing the way errors are treated. It automatically closes tag in the order they are opened. And treat tags with only an open tag as if there were a close tag present. BBCODE_CORRECT_REOPEN_TAGS (integer) - since 0.10.2 This is a parser option changing the way errors are treated. It automatically reopens tag if close tags are not in the good order. BBCODE_DISABLE_TREE_BUILD (integer) - since 0.10.2 This is a parser option disabling the BBCode parsing it can be useful if only the "smiley" replacement must be used. BBCODE_DEFAULT_SMILEYS_ON (integer) - since 0.10.2 This is a parser option setting smileys to ON if no flag is given at tag level. BBCODE_DEFAULT_SMILEYS_OFF (integer) - since 0.10.2 This is a parser option setting smileys to OFF if no flag is given at tag level. BBCODE_FORCE_SMILEYS_OFF (integer) - since 0.10.2 This is a parser option disabling completely the smileys parsing. BBCODE_SMILEYS_CASE_INSENSITIVE (integer) - since 0.10.3 Use a case insensitive Detection for smileys instead of a simple binary search. BBCODE_SET_FLAGS_SET (integer) - since 0.10.2 This permits to SET the complete flag set on a parser. BBCODE_SET_FLAGS_ADD (integer) - since 0.10.2 This permits to switch a flag set ON on a parser. BBCODE_SET_FLAGS_REMOVE (integer) - since 0.10.2 This permits to switch a flag set OFF on a parser.