mysqli_stmt_error mysqli_stmt->error Returns a string description for last statement error Description Procedural style: stringmysqli_stmt_error objectstmt Object oriented style (property): stmt stringerror For the statement specified by stmt, mysqli_stmt_error returns a containing the error message for the most recently invoked statement function that can succeed or fail. Return values A string that describes the error. An empty string if no error occurred. See also mysqli_stmt_errno, mysqli_stmt_sqlstate Example Object oriented style query("CREATE TABLE myCountry LIKE Country"); $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO myCountry SELECT * FROM Country"); $query = "SELECT Name, Code FROM myCountry ORDER BY Name"; if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query)) { /* drop table */ $mysqli->query("DROP TABLE myCountry"); /* execute query */ $stmt->execute(); printf("Error: %s.\n", $stmt->error); /* close statement */ $stmt->close(); } /* close connection */ $mysqli->close(); ?> ]]> Procedural style ]]> The above examples would produce the following output: