APCUIterator::__construct Constructs an APCUIterator iterator object &reftitle.description; public APCUIterator::__construct mixedsearch&null; intformatAPC_ITER_ALL intchunk_size100 intlistAPC_LIST_ACTIVE Constructs an APCUIterator object. &reftitle.parameters; search A PCRE regular expression that matches against APCu key names, either as a string for a single regular expression, or as an array of regular expressions. Or, optionally pass in &null; to skip the search. format The desired format, as configured with one or more of the APC_ITER_* constants. chunk_size The chunk size. Must be a value greater than 0. The default value is 100. list The type to list. Either pass in APC_LIST_ACTIVE or APC_LIST_DELETED. &reftitle.returnvalues; An APCUIterator object on success, or &null; on failure. &reftitle.examples; A <function>APCUIterator::__construct</function> example ]]> &reftitle.seealso; apcu_exists apcu_cache_info