SAM &Functions;
<classname>SAMConnection</classname> Object representing a connection to a Messaging Server
&reftitle.constructor; new SAMConnection - construct a new connection object to allow connection to a messaging infrastructure.
&reftitle.methods; commit - a method that commits (successfully completes) an in-flight unit of work. connect - a method that connects a PHP script to a messaging server. disconnect - a method that disconnects a PHP script from a messaging server. isConnected - a method that checks whether a PHP script is connected to a messaging server. peek - a method that receives a message from a queue without removing it from the queue. peekAll - a method that receives one or messages from a queue without removing them from the queue. receive - a method that receives a message from a queue or subscription. remove - a method that removes a message from a queue. rollback - a method that cancels (rolls back) an in-flight unit of work. send - a method that sends a message to a queue or posts to a topic setDebug - a method that switches additional debugging output on or off subscribe - a method that creates a subscription to one or more topics unsubscribe - a method that destroys a subscription to one or more topics
&; errno - the numeric error code for the last encountered error on this connection. This property is set to 0 if the last operation was successful. error - the text description for the last encountered error on this connection
<classname>SAMMessage</classname> Object representing a message to be sent or received
&reftitle.constructor; new SAMMessage - construct a new message.
&; body - the body of the message. header - the header properties of the message.