Get number of rows affected by a query
result_id is a valid result id returned by
ifx_query or
Returns the number of rows affected by a query associated with
For inserts, updates and deletes the number is the real number
(sqlerrd[2]) of affected rows. For selects it is an estimate
(sqlerrd[0]). Don't rely on it. The database server can never
return the actual number of rows that will be returned by a
SELECT because it has not even begun fetching them at this stage
(just after the "PREPARE" when the optimizer has determined the
query plan).
Useful after ifx_prepare to limit queries to
reasonable result sets.
Informix affected rows
1000) {
printf ("Too many rows in result set (%d)\n
", $rowcount);
die ("Please restrict your query
See also ifx_num_rows.