SDO_Model_ReflectionDataObject::__construct Construct an SDO_Model_ReflectionDataObject &reftitle.description; SDO_Model_ReflectionDataObjectSDO_Model_ReflectionDataObject::__construct SDO_DataObjectdata_object &warn.experimental.func; Construct an SDO_Model_ReflectionDataObject to reflect on an SDO_DataObject. Reflecting on an SDO_DataObject gives access to information about its model. The model contains information such as the data object's type, and whether that type is sequenced (preserves ordering across properties) or open (each instance can have its model extended). The model also holds information about the data object's properties, any default values they may have, and so on. &reftitle.parameters; data_object The SDO_DataObject being reflected upon. &reftitle.returnvalues; None.