Paradox File Access Paradox
&reftitle.intro; &warn.experimental; This module allows to read and write Paradox databases, primary index files and blob files. Write support has been proven to be quite reliable, though due to lack of documentation the produced files may not in any case be readable by other applications. Encrypted databases can be read without specifying a password if pxlib >= 0.5.0 is used. This module is also in development and may change, though I don't expect major changes to the API.
&reftitle.required; You need at least PHP 5.0.0 and pxlib >= 0.4.4 for the basic set of functions. Some newer functions are only available with pxlib >= 0.6.0. Reading and writing of encrypted databases requires at least pxlib >= 0.5.0. The paradox library (pxlib) is available at &url.paradox.pxlib;.
&reftitle.runtime; &no.config;
Object oriented API The paradox extension provides also an object oriented API. It consists of only one class called paradox_db. Its methods only differ from the functions in its name and of course the missing first parameter. The following table will list all methods and its equivalent functions. Methods of class paradox_db Name of method Equivalent function Constructor px_new Destructor px_delete open_fp px_open_fp create_fp px_create_fp close px_close numrecords px_numrecords numfields px_numfields get_record px_get_record put_record px_put_record retrieve_record px_retrieve_record delete_record px_delete_record insert_record px_insert_record update_record px_update_record get_field px_get_field get_schema px_get_schema get_info px_get_info set_parameter px_set_parameter get_parameter px_get_parameter set_value px_set_value get_value px_get_value get_info px_get_info set_targetencoding px_set_targetencoding set_tablename px_set_tablename set_blob_file px_set_blob_file date2string px_date2string timestamp2string px_timestamp2string
&reftitle.resources; px_new creates a new Paradox object required by all Paradox functions.