Ora_Bind Binds a PHP variable to an Oracle parameter Description intora_bind intcursor stringPHP_variable_name stringSQL_parameter_name intlength inttype Returns &true; if the bind succeeds, otherwise &false;. Details about the error can be retrieved using the ora_error and ora_errorcode functions. This function binds the named PHP variable with a SQL parameter. The SQL parameter must be in the form ":name". With the optional type parameter, you can define whether the SQL parameter is an in/out (0, default), in (1) or out (2) parameter. As of PHP 3.0.1, you can use the constants ORA_BIND_INOUT, ORA_BIND_IN and ORA_BIND_OUT instead of the numbers. ora_bind must be called after ora_parse and before ora_exec. Input values can be given by assignment to the bound PHP variables, after calling ora_exec the bound PHP variables contain the output values if available. <function>ora_bind</function> example Out: $output
In: $input"; ?> ]]>