openssl_cms_encrypt Encrypt a CMS message &reftitle.description; boolopenssl_cms_encrypt stringinput_filename stringoutput_filename OpenSSLCertificatearraystringcertificate arraynullheaders intflags0 intencodingOPENSSL_ENCODING_SMIME intcipher_algoOPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_40 This function encrypts content to one or more recipients, based on the certificates that are passed to it. &reftitle.parameters; input_filename The file to be encrypted. output_filename The output file. certificate Recipients to encrypt to. headers Headers to include when S/MIME is used. flags Flags to be passed to CMS_sign. encoding An encoding to output. One of OPENSSL_CMS_SMIME, OPENSLL_CMS_DER or OPENSSL_CMS_PEM. cipher_algo A cypher to use. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success;