Open a new connection to the MySQL server
The mysqli_connect function attempts to open a connection to the MySQL Server
running on host which can be either a hostname or an IP address. Passing the
&null; value or the string "localhost" to this parameter, the local host is assumed. When possible,
pipes will be used instead of the TCP/IP protocol. If successful, the mysqli_connect
will return a resource representing the connection to the database, or &false; on failure.
The username and password parameters specify the
username and password under which to connect to the MySQL server. If the password is not provided
(the &null; value is passed), the MySQL server will attempt to authenticate the user against those
user records which have no password only. This allows one username to be used with different
permissions (depending on if a password as provided or not).
The dbname parameter if provided will specify the default database to be
used when performing queries.
The port and socket parameters are used in
conjunction with the hostname parameter to further control how to connect
to the database server. The port parameter specifies the port number to
attempt to connect to the MySQL server on, while the socket parameter
specifies the socket or named pipe that should be used.
Specifying the socket parameter will not explicitly determine the type
of connection to be used when connecting to the MySQL server. How the connection is made to the
MySQL database is determined by the host parameter.
Using the mysqli_connect function
See also
mysqli_close and