<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!-- $Revision: 1.3 $ -->
<!-- splitted from ./en/functions/xml.xml, last change in rev 1.2 -->
  <refentry id="function.xml-set-element-handler">
    <refpurpose>set up start and end element handlers</refpurpose>
     Sets the element handler functions for the XML parser
     <parameter>start_element_handler</parameter> and
     <parameter>end_element_handler</parameter> are strings containing
     the names of functions that must exist when
     <function>xml_parse</function> is called for
     The function named by <parameter>start_element_handler</parameter>
     must accept three parameters:
         The first parameter, <replaceable>parser</replaceable>, is a
         reference to the XML parser calling the handler.
         The second parameter, <parameter>name</parameter>, contains the name
         of the element for which this handler is called.  If <link
         linkend="xml.case-folding">case-folding</link> is in effect for this
         parser, the element name will be in uppercase letters.
         The third parameter, <parameter>attribs</parameter>, contains an
         associative array with the element's attributes (if any).  The keys
         of this array are the attribute names, the values are the attribute
         values.  Attribute names are <link
         linkend="xml.case-folding">case-folded</link> on the same criteria as
         element names.  Attribute values are <emphasis>not</emphasis>
         The original order of the attributes can be retrieved by walking
         through <parameter>attribs</parameter> the normal way, using
         <function>each</function>.  The first key in the array was the first
         attribute, and so on.
     The function named by <parameter>end_element_handler</parameter>
     must accept two parameters:
         The first parameter, <replaceable>parser</replaceable>, is a
         reference to the XML parser calling the handler.
         The second parameter, <parameter>name</parameter>, contains the name
         of the element for which this handler is called.  If <link
         linkend="xml.case-folding">case-folding</link> is in effect for this
         parser, the element name will be in uppercase letters.
     If a handler function is set to an empty string, or &false;, the handler
     in question is disabled.
     &true; is returned if the handlers are set up, &false; if
     <parameter>parser</parameter> is not a parser.

<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
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