Connecting Connecting to MongoDB can be as easy as new MongoClient, but there are many additional options and configurations. The documentation for MongoClient::__construct covers all of the API options, but this page gives some more details and advice for practical use cases.
Connecting over SSL The driver supports connecting to MongoDB over SSL and can optionally use SSL Stream Context options to provide more details, such as verifying certificates against specific certificate chain, or authenticate to MongoDB using X509 certificates. Connect to MongoDB Instance with SSL Encryption true)); ?> ]]> Connect to MongoDB Instance with SSL Encryption, verifying it is who we think it is array( /* Certificate Authority the remote server certificate must be signed by */ "cafile" => $SSL_DIR . "/" . $SSL_FILE, /* Disable self signed certificates */ "allow_self_signed" => false, /* Verify the peer certificate against our provided Certificate Authority root certificate */ "verify_peer" => true, /* Default to false pre PHP 5.6 */ /* Verify the peer name (e.g. hostname validation) */ /* Will use the hostname used to connec to the node */ "verify_peer_name" => true, /* Verify the server certificate has not expired */ "verify_expiry" => true, /* Only available in the MongoDB PHP Driver */ ), ); $mc = new MongoClient( "mongodb://server1", array("ssl" => true), array("context" => $ctx) ); ?> ]]> The "verify_peer_name" is new in PHP 5.6.0. The MongoDB driver as of 1.6.5 however has backported this feature into the driver itself, so it works with PHP 5.3 and 5.4 too Connect to MongoDB Instance that Requires Client Certificates array( "local_cert" => $MYCERT, /* If the certificate we are providing was passphrase encoded, we need to set it here */ "passphrase" => "My Passphrase for the local_cert", /* Optionally verify the server is who he says he is */ "cafile" => $SSL_DIR . "/" . $SSL_FILE, "allow_self_signed" => false, "verify_peer" => true, "verify_peer_name" => true, "verify_expiry" => true, ), )); $mc = new MongoClient( "mongodb://server1/?ssl=true", array(), array("context" => $ctx) ); ?> ]]> Authenticating with X.509 certificates The username is the certificate subject from the X509, which can be extracted like this: array( "local_cert" => "/vagrant/certs/ca-signed-client.pem", ) ) ); $mc = new MongoClient( 'mongodb://username@server1/?authSource=$external&authMechanism=MONGODB-X509&ssl=true', array(), array("context" => $ctx) ); ?> ]]> Where username is the certificate subject. &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 1.5.0 Added support for X509 authentication. 1.4.0 Added support for connecting to SSL enabled MongoDB.
Authentication If MongoDB is started with the --auth or --keyFile options, you must authenticate before you can do any operations with the driver. You may authenticate a connection by specifying the username and password in either the connection URI or the "username" and "password" options for MongoClient::__construct. Authenticating against the "admin" database $username, "password" => $password)); ?> ]]> By default, the driver will authenticate against the admin database. You may authenticate against a different database by specifying it in either the connection URI or the "db" option for MongoClient::__construct. Authenticating against normal databases "myDatabase")); ?> ]]> If your connection is dropped, the driver will automatically attempt to reconnect and reauthenticate you.
Replica Sets To connect to a replica set, specify one or more members of the set and use the "replicaSet" option. Multiple servers may be delimited by a comma. ReplicaSet seed list "myReplSetName")); // Using multiple servers as the seed list $m = new MongoClient("mongodb://,", array("replicaSet" => "myReplSetName")); ?> ]]> The PHP driver will query the database server(s) listed to determine the primary. So long as it can connect to at least one host listed and find a primary, the connection will succeed. If it cannot make a connection to any servers listed or cannot find a primary, a MongoConnectionException will be thrown. You should always provide a seed list with more than one member of the ReplicaSet. For highest availability you should seed with at least one server from each of your datacenters. The host names that you specify in the seed list must match the host names in the replica set configuration. This is because the driver only uses the host names in the replica set configuration to create the hash for its persistent connections. For example, if an IP address is used in the seed list and the replica set is configured with host names, the driver will discard any seed list connection(s) that differ from the canonical host names reported by the replica set. Effectively, these non-canonical seed list connections will be recreated on each request, greatly reducing the benefit of using persistent connections. The driver does not support connecting to different replica sets with the same name. This extends beyond one script so make sure to have separate names for each of your replica sets. That also means that you can not do this: Wrong replica set name duplication ]]> Instead, you need to have two different names for your replica sets: Correct use of two replica set names ]]> If the primary becomes unavailable, an election will take place and a secondary will be promoted to the role of primary (unless a majority vote cannot be established). During this time (20-60 seconds), the connection will not be able to perform any write operations and attempts to do so will result in an exception. Connections to secondaries will still be able to perform reads. The default Read Preference is to only read from the primary. During the election process there is no primary, and all read will therefore fail. It is recommended to use MongoClient::RP_PRIMARY_PREFERRED Read Preference for applications that require high availability for reads, as reads will only be executed on the secondaries when there simply isn't a primary available. Once a primary is elected, attempting to perform a read or write will allow the driver to detect the new primary. The driver will make this its primary database connection and continue operating normally. The health and state of a secondary is checked every 5 seconds (configurable with mongo.ping_interval) or when the next operation occurs after 5 seconds. It will also recheck the configuration when the driver has a problem reaching a server. Replica set failovers are checked every 60 seconds (configurable with mongo.is_master_interval), and whenever a write operation fails when using acknowledged writes. Secondaries may be behind the primary in operations, so your application must be able to handle out-of-date data when using Read Preferences other then MongoClient::RP_PRIMARY. For more information on replica sets, see the core documentation. &reftitle.seealso; &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 1.0.9 Added support for connecting to ReplicaSet and automatic failover.
Sharding To connect to a shard cluster, specify the address of one or more mongos instances in the connection string. Multiple servers may be delimited by a comma. ]]> Regardless of whether each shard is a stand-alone mongod server or a full replica set, the driver's connection process is the same. All database communication will be routed through mongos. For more information on sharding with MongoDB, see the sharding documentation.
Domain Socket Support MongoDB has built-in support for via Unix Domain Sockets and will open the socket on startup, by default located in /tmp/mongodb-<port>.sock.. To connect to the socket file, specify the path in your MongoDB connection string: ]]> If you would like to authenticate against a database (as described above) with a socket file, you must specify a port of 0 so that the connection string parser can detect the end of the socket path. Alternatively, you can use the constructor options. ]]> &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 1.0.9 Added support for Unix Domain Sockets.
Persistent Connections (version 1.3.0+) All versions of the driver since 1.3.0 utilize persistent connections to minimize the number of connections made to each database server. These connections are saved by the PHP worker process and may be reused between multiple requests. Before connecting to a database server, the driver will create a hash for the connection based on its host, port, replica set name (if any), any authentication credentials (e.g. username, password, database), and the process ID. If a connection already exists for that hash, it will be used in lieu of creating a new connection associated with that hash. MongoClient::getConnections may be used to retrieve info about each persistent connection. Consider the following program: ]]> &example.outputs.similar; In this example $m1 and $m2 have the same hash and share a persistent connection. Connections for each other MongoClient instance hash to unique values and use their own sockets. Note that "localhost" and "" do not share the same hash; DNS resolution is not taken into account.
Connection Pooling (version 1.2.0-1.2.12 *only*) This section is no longer relevant as of the 1.3.0 release of the driver and only serves as a historical information on how the pooling used to work. The latest versions of the driver have no concept of pooling anymore and will maintain only one connection per process, for each connection type (ReplicaSet/standalone/mongos), for each credentials combination. Creating connections is one of the most heavyweight things that the driver does. It can take hundreds of milliseconds to set up a connection correctly, even on a fast network. Thus, the driver tries to minimize the number of new connections created by reusing connections from a pool. When a user creates a new instance of MongoClient, all necessary connections will be taken from their pools (replica sets may require multiple connections, one for each member of the set). When the MongoClient instance goes out of scope, the connections will be returned to the pool. When the PHP process exits, all connections in the pools will be closed.
"Why do I have so many open connections?" Connection pools can generate a large number of connections. This is expected and, using a little arithmetic, you can figure out how many connections will be created. There are three factors in determining the total number of connections: connections_per_pool Each connection pool will create, by default, an unlimited number of connections. One might assume that this is a problem: if it can create an unlimited number of connections, couldn't it create thousands and the server would run out of file descriptors? In practice, this is unlikely, as unused connections are returned to the pool to be used later, so future connections will use the same connection instead of creating a new one. Unless you create thousands of connections at once without letting any go out of scope, the number of connections open should stay at a reasonable number. You can see how many connections you have in a pool using the MongoPool::info function. Add up the "in use" and "in pool" fields for a given server. That is the total number of connections for that pool. pools_per_process Each MongoDB server address you're connecting to gets its own connection pool. For example, if your local hostname is "", connecting to "", "localhost:27017", and "/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock" will create three connection pools. You can see how many connection pools you have open using MongoPool::info. processes Each PHP process has a separate set of pools. PHP-FPM and Apache generally create between 6 and a couple of dozen PHP worker children. Check your settings to see what the max number of PHP processes is that can be spawned. If you are using PHP-FPM, estimating the number of connections can be tricky because it will spawn more PHP-FPM workers under heavy load. To be on the safe side, look at the max_children parameter or add up spare_servers + start_servers (choose whichever number is higher). That will indicate how many PHP processes (i.e. sets of pools) you should plan for. The three variables above can be multiplied together to give the max number of connections expected: connections_per_pool * pools_per_process * processes. Note that connections_per_pool can be different for different pools, so connections_per_pool should be the max. For example, suppose we're getting 30 connections per pool, 10 pools per PHP process, and 128 PHP processes. Then we can expect 38400 connections from this machine. Thus, we should set this machine's file descriptor limit to be high enough to handle all of these connections or it may run out of file descriptors. See MongoPool for more information on connection pooling.
Manually Persistent Connections (version up to 1.1.4 *only*) This section is not relevant for 1.2.0+. In 1.2.0+, connections are always persistent and managed automatically by the driver. If you are using a 1.2.x release (but not 1.3.x or later), see MongoPool for more information on pooling. Creating new connection to the database is very slow. To minimize the number of connections that you need to make, you can use persistent connections. A persistent connection is saved by PHP, so you can use the same connection for multiple requests. For example, this simple program connects to the database 1000 times: ]]> It takes approximately 18 seconds to execute. If we change it to use a persistent connection: "x")); } ?> ]]> takes less than .02 seconds to execute, as it only makes one database connection. Persistent connections need an identifier string (which is "x" in the above example) to uniquely identify them. For a persistent connection to be used, the hostname, port, persist string, and authentication credentials (username, password and database, if given) must match an existing persistent connection. Otherwise, a new connection will be created with this identifying information. Persistent connections are highly recommended and should always be used in production unless there is a compelling reason not to. Most of the reasons that they are not recommended for relational databases are irrelevant to MongoDB.