Installing the MongoDB PHP Driver with PECL &pecl.info; &url.pecl.package;mongodb Linux, Unix, and macOS users may run the following command to install the driver: If your system has multiple version of PHP installed (e.g. macOS default, Homebrew, XAMPP), note that that each version of PHP has its own pecl command and &php.ini; file. Installing the driver via PECL will use bundled versions of libbson and libmongoc and attempt to automatically configure them. If the build process fails to find an SSL library, check that the development packages (e.g. libssl-dev) and pkg-config are both installed. If that does not resolve the problem, consider using the manual installation process. Finally, add the following line to your &php.ini; file:
Installing the MongoDB PHP Driver on macOS with Homebrew Homebrew 1.5.0 deprecated the Homebrew/php tap and removed formulae for individual PHP extensions. Going forward, macOS users are advised to install the php formula and follow the standard PECL installation instructions using the pecl command provided by the Homebrew PHP installation.
Installing the MongoDB PHP Driver on Windows Precompiled binaries for each release are available from PECL for a variety of combinations of versions, thread safety, and VC libraries. Extract the archive and put php_mongodb.dll in your PHP extension directory ("ext" by default). Add the following line to your &php.ini; file:
Manually Installing the MongoDB PHP Driver For driver developers and people interested in the latest bugfixes, you can compile the driver from the latest source code on Github. Run the following commands to clone and build the project: If your system has multiple version of PHP installed (e.g. macOS default and XAMPP), note that each version of PHP has its own phpize command and &php.ini; file. By default, the driver will use bundled versions of libbson and libmongoc and attempt to configure them on its own. If libbson and libmongoc are already installed as system libraries, you can instruct the driver to utilize them by specifying --with-libbson=yes --with--libmongoc=yes as arguments to configure. For a complete list of configure options, run configure --help. When using bundled versions of libbson and libmongoc, the driver will also attempt to select an SSL library according to the --with-mongodb-ssl option for configure. The default value is --with-mongodb-ssl=auto, which will search for Secure Transport (macOS only), OpenSSL, and LibreSSL, in that order. Additionally, you may specify openssl, libressl, or darwin to force selection of a particular library, respectively. If the build process fails to find an SSL library, check that the development packages (e.g. libssl-dev) and pkg-config are both installed. When using Homebrew on macOS, it is common for a system to have multiple versions of OpenSSL installed. To ensure that the desired version of OpenSSL is selected, the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable may be used to control the search path for pkg-config. If pkg-config is not used, configure also supports a --with-openssl-dir=DIR argument, which can be used to specify a manual search path (for OpenSSL only). The final build step, make install, will report where mongodb.so has been installed, similar to: Ensure that the extension_dir option in &php.ini; points to the directory where mongodb.so was installed. You can query for the option by running: /usr/lib/php/extensions/debug-non-zts-20151012 => /usr/lib/php/extensions/debug-non-zts-20151012 ]]> If the directories differ, either change extension_dir in &php.ini; or manually move mongodb.so to the correct directory. Finally, add the following line to your &php.ini; file: