stat Gives information about a file &reftitle.description; arrayfalsestat stringfilename Gathers the statistics of the file named by filename. If filename is a symbolic link, statistics are from the file itself, not the symlink. Prior to PHP 7.4.0, on Windows NTS builds the size, atime, mtime and ctime statistics have been from the symlink, in this case. lstat is identical to stat except it would instead be based off the symlinks status. &reftitle.parameters; filename Path to the file. &reftitle.returnvalues; <function>stat</function> and <function>fstat</function> result format Numeric Associative Description 0 dev device number *** 1 ino inode number **** 2 mode inode protection mode 3 nlink number of links 4 uid userid of owner * 5 gid groupid of owner * 6 rdev device type, if inode device 7 size size in bytes 8 atime time of last access (Unix timestamp) 9 mtime time of last modification (Unix timestamp) 10 ctime time of last inode change (Unix timestamp) 11 blksize blocksize of filesystem IO ** 12 blocks number of 512-byte blocks allocated **
* On Windows this will always be 0. ** Only valid on systems supporting the st_blksize type - other systems (e.g. Windows) return -1. *** On Windows, as of PHP 7.4.0, this is the serial number of the volume that contains the file, which is a 64-bit unsigned integer, so may overflow. Previously, it was the numeric representation of the drive letter (e.g. 2 for C:) for stat, and 0 for lstat. **** On Windows, as of PHP 7.4.0, this is the identifier associated with the file, which is a 64-bit unsigned integer, so may overflow. Previously, it was always 0. The value of mode contains information read by several functions. When written in octal, starting from the right, the first three digits are returned by chmod. The next digit is ignored by PHP. The next two digits indicate the file type: <literal>mode</literal> file types mode in octal Meaning 0120000 link 0100000 regular file 0060000 block device 0040000 directory 0010000 fifo
So for example a regular file could be 0100644 and a directory could be 0040755.
In case of error, stat returns &false;. &fs.file.32bit;
&reftitle.errors; Upon failure, an E_WARNING is emitted. &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 7.4.0 On Windows, the device number is now the serial number of the volume that contains the file, and the inode number is the identifier associated with the file. 7.4.0 The size, atime, mtime and ctime statistics of symlinks are always those of the target. This was previously not the case for NTS builds on Windows. &reftitle.examples; <function>stat</function> example ]]> Using <function>stat</function> information together with <function>touch</function> ]]> &reftitle.notes; ¬e.filesystem-time-res; ¬e.clearstatcache; &tip.fopen-wrapper.stat; &reftitle.seealso; lstat fstat filemtime filegroup