php_check_syntax Check the PHP syntax of (and execute) the specified file &reftitle.description; boolphp_check_syntax stringfilename stringerror_message Performs a syntax (lint) check on the specified filename testing for scripting errors. This is similar to using php -l from the commandline except that this function will execute (but not output) the checked filename. For example, if a function is defined in filename, this defined function will be available to the file that executed php_check_syntax, but output from filename will be suppressed. For technical reasons, this function is deprecated and removed from PHP. Instead, use php -l somefile.php from the commandline. &reftitle.parameters; filename The name of the file being checked. error_message If the error_message parameter is used, it will contain the error message generated by the syntax check. error_message is passed by reference. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns &true; if the lint check passed, and &false; if the link check failed or if filename cannot be opened. &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 5.0.5 This function was removed from PHP. 5.0.3 Calling exit after php_check_syntax resulted in a Segfault. 5.0.1 error_message is passed by reference. &reftitle.examples; &example.outputs.similar; &reftitle.seealso; include is_readable