PostgreSQL Session Save Handler Session PgSQL
&reftitle.intro; ¬; This module provides an additional session save handler for the session module using PostgreSQL as a storage system. A user-level session storage function may also be used - session_set_save_handler, but this module is written in C and therefore could be twice as fast, compared to a session save handler written in PHP. Session PgSQL is designed to scale any size of web sites and offers some advanced features: session tables are created automatically automatic session table vacuum better garbage collection multiple PostgreSQL servers support automatic database server failover (switching) automatic database server load balancing if there are multiple PostgreSQL servers. short circuit UPDATE
&reftitle.required; You need at least PHP >= 4.3.0, and PostgreSQL >=7.2.0 as database server. libpq that comes with PostgreSQL 7.2.0 or later (and header files to build) and libmm (and header files).
&reference.session-pgsql.configure; &reference.session-pgsql.ini;
Table definitions Session table definition If you use HASH for INDEX, you'll have a deadlock problem when the server load is very high. Even if it's unlikely to have a deadlock under normal operation, it can occur. Do not use HASH for INDEX. You may change the session table as long as all fields are defined. Application variables table definition
Contact Information I have at the moment not very much time to further develop this extension. I will implement more and more features in the near future. If you have comments, bug fixes, enhancements or want to help developing this, you can drop me a mail at Any help is very welcome.