php_ini_scanned_filesReturn a list of .ini files parsed from the additional ini dirDescriptionstringphp_ini_scanned_filesphp_ini_scanned_files returns a comma-separated
list of configuration files parsed after &php.ini;. These files are
found in a directory defined by the
which is set during compilation.
Returns a comma-separated string of .ini files on success. If the
directive wasn't set,
&false; is returned. If it was set and the directory was empty, an
empty string is returned. If a file is unrecognizable, the file will
still make it into the returned string but a PHP error will also result.
This PHP error will be seen both at compile time and while using
The returned configuration files also include the path as declared in
option. Also, each comma is followed by a newline.
A simple example to list the returned ini files
0) {
$files = explode(',', $filelist);
foreach ($files as $file) {
echo "