maxdb_commit maxdb::commit Commits the current transaction &reftitle.description; Procedural style: boolmaxdb_commit resourcelink &style.oop; boolmaxdb::commit Commits the current transaction for the database connection specified by the link parameter. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.examples; Object oriented style autocommit(FALSE); maxdb_report (MAXDB_REPORT_OFF); $maxdb->query("DROP TABLE mycustomer"); maxdb_report (MAXDB_REPORT_ERROR); $maxdb->query("CREATE TABLE mycustomer LIKE hotel.customer"); /* Insert some values */ $maxdb->query("INSERT INTO mycustomer VALUES (3000,'Mrs','Jenny','Porter','10580','1340 N.Ash Street, #3')"); $maxdb->query("INSERT INTO mycustomer VALUES (3100,'Mr','Peter','Brown','48226','1001 34th Str., APT.3')"); /* commit transaction */ $maxdb->commit(); /* close connection */ $maxdb->close(); ?> ]]> Procedural style ]]> The above examples produces no output. &reftitle.seealso; maxdb_autocommit maxdb_rollback